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Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Eyeball Dissection - Learning about The Human Body

Last Friday to start off our human body inquiry we dissected sheep's eyeballs. Each group of three got one eyeball to dissect and we had to watch a tutorial on how to do it properly. To help us dissect the eyeball we had a set of forceps (they look like nail scissors except one end is sharp and one is blunt) and tweezers. After we put our gloves on we had to work together to cut off the extra muscle around the eyeball. Then we had to make a cut into the eyeball and make a bigger cut around the eyeball from that slit. We then had to squeeze out all the different things inside the eyeball. There was a lot of black gunky stuff which we got out with the tweezers, we had to find the lens and put it to the side. If we wanted to we could also cut open the pupil part of the eye. Lots of blue stuff came out. My favorite part of doing this was seeing what is inside a sheep's eye (sheep's eye's are VERY similar to human eye's) as well as cutting off the muscle. My least favorite part was thinking that these could of been my neighbor's pet lambs! I am very proud of myself for getting stuck in as I'm usually grossed out by this stuff. I'm not looking forward to when we have to dissect a heart! If you have any recommendations, cool ideas, questions, or anything feel free to leave a comment down below! Thanks for reading!

Allie xoxo

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Blogging Challenge Week #10 - Recap

For my recap on the blogging challenge I got my friend Natalie to reflect on my blog! But before you read that I'd like to say how much I enjoyed the blogging challenge this year and I'm so grateful that this was setup for us! Thank you Kathleen for organizing this as I have made some really good writing buddies and enjoyed getting an audience to my blog! My favourite weeks were when I was featured! I also really enjoyed waking up each morning eager to get to school and start reading to see who had left comments on my blog! I'm a bit upset that this awesome challenge is over but I will continue to write posts on my blog so keep an eye out! Anyways, onto Natalie's Reflection:

Here's what she said:
I think that Allies blog is definitely one to love and to keep up with her posts! I like how she makes her writing very clear, while adding the useful tips now and then. I really liked how she wrote about how to start a business as a kid, it is very inspiring and helpful, It will definitely help you now and later in life. In her 100 day challenge writing I love how she put a lot of description and a ‘mystery vibe’ throughout the story. My favorite blog post of hers would have to be the ‘about me’ writing. It is very exciting and has been well described! Allies comment replies are very clear and answered correctly.

I think Allie should keep up with the great blogging posts, you should definitely give her a follow and some comments!

-Natalie (mini mince)

Also remember to check out Natalie's blog here to see my reflection on her blog!

Here are some other blogs from people in my class you should definitely check out:


Wednesday, May 1, 2019

How to Start a Business as a Kid

I'm sure all kids want to buy things but since they're too young to have a job, they can't make any money to buy anything. This is why today I am going to be informing you on how you can start a business as a kid.

First of all, you must have your parents permission. It is important to do this just so they can make sure you stay safe running your own business, and you can also talk to them about how you can help.

Secondly, find out what you want your business to be about. The most important thing about your business is it has to be something you enjoy, because if you're running a business and you don't like what you're doing, you're not going to be putting your full effort into it, whereas if you enjoy the business you run, it is more likely you'll put more effort in, which might mean you'll make more money. Write down 5 of your hobbies on a piece of paper, now for each hobby brainstorm 10 business ideas. For each business idea work out if it's possible, how much it would cost, if it's profitable, how much time it will need and all the factors. Once you've cut it down to just a few business ideas work out which one will possibly make the most money or you will enjoy the most. Once you have your business idea it's time to get into it! Here is my example:

The third step is to buy all your products. To make money you need to spend money, so work out how much everything will cost and come up with the total. If you have enough money yourself to buy the products then do that, but if you don't you could ask a family member for a loan. You can make a Google Slides presentation as to why you need that loan, but remember, if you get a loan you'll need to pay it back. If you can't get a loan and you have no money you could do some odd jobs around the house and neighborhood to earn some money. Or you could go back to your business ideas and work out what might not cost money and although it won't make too much, it will give you enough money you need to start your big business idea. Remember, the money getting invested you will have to make back before you make any profits. For example if it was a $50 investment, and you get paid $20 out of that business, you have only made -$30, you will need to make another $30 before you are even and can make any money out of that business. And sometimes there might be costs along the way. You'll have to take that out of your profits and earn that money back.

The fourth step is advertising. There are many ways to advertise, Facebook, Instagram, Online, Craft Stalls, On the Streets, In a Shop, Mailboxes, The Paper, Pamphlets and loads more! You just need to decide what fits your business the best.

Your Final Step is to get your business out there! Make sure everybody knows about it! Don't be disheartened if you don't get a lot or any business at first, it only takes one person to use your business and then they might recommend it to 10 other people which will cause a chain effect!

I hope you enjoyed this post and it inspires you to start your own business! I have two businesses that you can check out for inspiration, click the links below!