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Sunday, May 5, 2019

Blogging Challenge Week #10 - Recap

For my recap on the blogging challenge I got my friend Natalie to reflect on my blog! But before you read that I'd like to say how much I enjoyed the blogging challenge this year and I'm so grateful that this was setup for us! Thank you Kathleen for organizing this as I have made some really good writing buddies and enjoyed getting an audience to my blog! My favourite weeks were when I was featured! I also really enjoyed waking up each morning eager to get to school and start reading to see who had left comments on my blog! I'm a bit upset that this awesome challenge is over but I will continue to write posts on my blog so keep an eye out! Anyways, onto Natalie's Reflection:

Here's what she said:
I think that Allies blog is definitely one to love and to keep up with her posts! I like how she makes her writing very clear, while adding the useful tips now and then. I really liked how she wrote about how to start a business as a kid, it is very inspiring and helpful, It will definitely help you now and later in life. In her 100 day challenge writing I love how she put a lot of description and a ‘mystery vibe’ throughout the story. My favorite blog post of hers would have to be the ‘about me’ writing. It is very exciting and has been well described! Allies comment replies are very clear and answered correctly.

I think Allie should keep up with the great blogging posts, you should definitely give her a follow and some comments!

-Natalie (mini mince)

Also remember to check out Natalie's blog here to see my reflection on her blog!

Here are some other blogs from people in my class you should definitely check out:



  1. Hi Allie
    Think its great that you are continuing blogging and i'm looking forward to see more post from you

    1. Thank you! I would love if you could leave a link to your blog so I could check it out!!

  2. just because the challenge is over you cant read more blogs. and you can also still post like i know many kids in my school that will still post.

    1. good to know! can you leave the link to your blog possibly?

      Allie xoxo

  3. My name is Corbin. What was your favorite part this year? Mine was definitely the weekly posts we did.
    Check this out!

    1. same! here in New Zealand we are actually only in the first half of the year! i would love if we could stay in touch! definitely going to check out your blog!!

      allie :)

  4. hi i think its really cool that you had your friend reflect on your blog

    1. thank you! if you have a blog i would love if you could leave a link so i could check it out!!

      allie xoxo
