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Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Eyeball Dissection - Learning about The Human Body

Last Friday to start off our human body inquiry we dissected sheep's eyeballs. Each group of three got one eyeball to dissect and we had to watch a tutorial on how to do it properly. To help us dissect the eyeball we had a set of forceps (they look like nail scissors except one end is sharp and one is blunt) and tweezers. After we put our gloves on we had to work together to cut off the extra muscle around the eyeball. Then we had to make a cut into the eyeball and make a bigger cut around the eyeball from that slit. We then had to squeeze out all the different things inside the eyeball. There was a lot of black gunky stuff which we got out with the tweezers, we had to find the lens and put it to the side. If we wanted to we could also cut open the pupil part of the eye. Lots of blue stuff came out. My favorite part of doing this was seeing what is inside a sheep's eye (sheep's eye's are VERY similar to human eye's) as well as cutting off the muscle. My least favorite part was thinking that these could of been my neighbor's pet lambs! I am very proud of myself for getting stuck in as I'm usually grossed out by this stuff. I'm not looking forward to when we have to dissect a heart! If you have any recommendations, cool ideas, questions, or anything feel free to leave a comment down below! Thanks for reading!

Allie xoxo


  1. good work Allie your writing is amazing

  2. Cooooooollllllll ALLIE sounds like you would've enjoyed it !!!!!!!

    1. cOo0l as! if you would like to leave ya name and ya blog address i can check ya out!

      from allie ;)
